Valentine’s day

Bouquet of 101 Peach Roses 825 AED
bouquet of 101 pink roses 835 AED
101 red roses in a hat box 870 AED
101 white roses in a Hat Box 875 AED
Bouquet of 100 White Roses 885 AED
Bouquet of 101 red roses 895 AED
Bouquet of 101 White Roses 900 AED
100 red roses Bouquet 925 AED
Bouquet of 101 red roses 935 AED
Bouquet "Cherry Blossom" 970 AED
Bouquet of 25 pink peonies 1270 AED
Bouquet of 15 blue hydrangeas 1335 AED
Bouquet of 15 pink hydrangeas 1360 AED
Bouquet of 151 red roses 1380 AED
Composition "Empress Louise" 1415 AED
200 white roses in a box 1695 AED
201 white rose in a box 1705 AED
200 red roses Bouquet 1765 AED
Bouquet of 201 White Roses 1780 AED